EUAIN - The European Accessible Information Network
Sprache der Bezeichnung:
Original Kurzfassung:
An estimated 30 million people in Europe have significant sight problems, and many more are challenged by other reading-related disabilities.
Publishers and authors have been missing out on this market. Traditionally citizens who need larger print, audio or braille have had to rely on charity or Government subvention. They have only had access to a small proportion of titles, often published much later than their standard counterpart.
The EUAIN project seeks to change all this. We aim:
- to promote the convergence of mainstream and "accessible" publishing and distribution processes;
- to exploit the potential of new technologies to replace outdated and unsustainable business models with viable ways of reaching a much greater number of readers;
- to close the digital divide between those who can read standard print or computer screens and those who cannot;
- to overcome the educational and social exclusion which results from the inaccessibility of so much knowledge, information and culture;
- to offer practical solutions, training materials and case studies; these will enable all players in the publishing world to gain a greater insight and to equip themselves with new skills with which to take on these opportunities.