The European Design for All e-Accessibility Network
(EDeAN) was established by the European Commission
and the Member States in July 2002 as one of the
specific goals of the eEurope 2002 Action Plan.
One of the objectives of the eEurope 2002 action plan
is the integration of the elderly and people with
disabilities into the information society. eAccessibility
stands for the access which new Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs) can provide to
people - both access to the real world and to the
growing Information Society world.
The goal of this network is to raise the profile of Design
for All (DfA) and emphasize its importance in achieving
greater accessibility to the Information Society for as
many people as possible.
EDeAN provides:
• Support to the eInclusion goals of eEurope
• a European forum for Design for All issues
(eEurope objective)
• awareness raising in the public and private sectors
• input for European curricula on Design for All
• links to appropriate educational channels to
incorporate Design for All in new curricula
• on line resources on Design for All