Christian Doppler Labor - Modul 2: Für effizientes Resourcen Management im öffentlichen Transport
Sprache der Bezeichnung:
Englische Bezeichnung:
Christian Doppler Labor - Modul 2: Efficient resource managment in public transportation
Englische Kurzfassung:
Planning the public transportation network in larger cities, such as Vienna, is a big challenge for
the providers. The public transportation modes, e.g. buses, trams, or subways, follow a scheduled timetable that respects different capacity restrictions in rolling stock, maintenance activities,
available staff resources, or others. The primary aim of Module 2 Efficient resource management in public transportation is to develop new solution methods based on operations research techniques to optimize the efficient
resource planning and management in public transportation networks. Multiple objectives and conflicting goals, e.g. costs and service quality, are typical in real-world scenarios. In addition,
large-scale problems even complicate the solution procedure. From the practical point of view, it is very often the case that delays and breakdowns, e.g. of a subway, occur. Therefore, solution
methods solving multi-objective problems and generating robust solutions are necessary to handle problems in public transportation. The existing module entitled Efficient resource management in
intermodal transportation of the present CD laboratory for efficient intermodal transport operations is directed towards intensive research in the areas of freight and passenger transportation. Especially
the interests of passenger transportation lie in flexible semi-service transit systems and on-demand transportation in rural areas, thus the new module is a perfect complement of the existing research
in the CD laboratory.