Domain Knowledge Extraction and Generation of Software (Next) --- SCCH
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Original Kurzfassung:
In this project Next an industrial-strength DSL-based approach is we developed and applied to recover specifications from (legacy) systems and to generate software systems based on extracted or manually created specifications. The aim of the project is to bridge the gap between existing (legacy) software predominant in industry and the model-based construction of software systems. The objectives of the project is to
? develop a systematic approach for defining domain-specific languages
? develop efficient means to extract and recover domain knowledge from software and to represent extracted domain knowledge in form of DSLs
? improve productivity and maintainability by code generation from abstract specifications (DSLs)
? to facilitate end-user programming by means of DSLs in various industrial domains
? to develop a seamless reengineering framework based on the combination of domain knowledge extraction and code generation
The work is based on domain engineering techniques also including different stakeholders to elicit domain concepts and requirements of domain-specific languages. Furthermore, we apply extraction techniques to elicit domain concepts from legacy systems and to incorporate them for the development of DSLs. There is also a strong emphasis on the evaluation of DSLs with respect to usability, code generation and evolution of DSL-based software.