Multiferroic Phase Transitions and Giant Rashba-Zeeman Splitting in Mn- and Cr-Doped GeTe
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Original Kurzfassung:
Multiferroics in which ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism coexist exhibit many extraordinary physical properties
due to their peculiar spinpolarized
electronic band structure and provide promising potentials for device
applications. Magnetically doped GeTe is a prototypical example of a multiferroic system in which the strong
coupling leads to a giant RashbaZeeman
splitting. In this project, ARPES will be employed to unravel
the evolution of the electronic structure of Mnand
GeTe across the ferromagnetic and ferroelectric
phase transition and derive how the RashbaZeeman
splitting depends and can be tuned by the dopand
concentration. Particular focus will be to compare the effect of the different doping species and to extend the
studies to high magnetic dopand concentrations where high ferromagnetic Curie temperatures are obtained.