Point Defects in SiC: Coupling of Light, Spin, and Matter
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The Collaborative Research Centre-Transregio ?Quantum Cooperativity of Light and Matter ? aims to characterize and control cooperativity at the quantum level. In TRR306 the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz, and University of the Saarland along with team from DESY, Hamburg, TU Kaiserslautern, and JKU Linz have joined forces to accomplish a great goal.
Color centers in semiconductors such as silicon carbide (SiC) enable the implementation of solid-state quantum bits and single photon light sources. Exploring coherent coupling among individual color centers in a single device and the achievement of cooperative effects such as spin-spin coupling and superradiance is still challenging. Not only technological complexity has to be controlled, but also competing physical mechanisms have to be unraveled.
In our subproject B3, we investigate promising color centers in SiC as parts of a novel, versatile and monolithic quantum technology platform. We aim for coherent coupling of two, or eventually more centers via optical and/or mechanical resonators.
To reach the final ambitious goal of a monolithic quantum technology platform, the complementary competences of our group and our partners in nanotechnology and SiC physics, as well as photophysics of defects in experiment and theory will be combined.
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Englische Bezeichnung:
Point Defects in SiC: Coupling of Light, Spin, and Matter