B.L. Altshuler, Günther Bauer, Gerhard Brunthaler, G.W. Martin, D.L. Maslov, A. Prinz, V. M. Pudalov,
"Weak localization type description of the conduction in the "anomalous" metallic state"
, in Condensed Matter, 2001, B.L. Altshuler, G.W. Martin, D.L. Maslov, V.M. Pudalov, A. Prinz, G. Brunthaler, G. Bauer: Weak localization type description of the conduction in the "anomalous" metallic state, cond-mat/0008005, submitted.
Original Titel:
Weak localization type description of the conduction in the "anomalous" metallic state
Sprache des Titels:
Condensed Matter
Notiz zum Zitat:
B.L. Altshuler, G.W. Martin, D.L. Maslov, V.M. Pudalov, A. Prinz, G. Brunthaler, G. Bauer: Weak localization type description of the conduction in the "anomalous" metallic state, cond-mat/0008005, submitted.
Aufsatz / Paper in sonstiger referierter Fachzeitschrift