W. Kroell, W. Mauritz, Gabriele Pölz, Werner Pölz, Wolfgang Schimetta, H. Schoechl,
"Use of Hypertonic Hyperoncotic Solutions (HHS) in Clinical Routine in Austria."
: International Symposium Intensivmedizin und Intensivpflege, 2-2001, Schimetta W., Schoechl H., Kroell W., Poelz W., Poelz G., Mauritz W.: Use of Hypertonic Hyperoncotic Solutions (HHS) in Clinical Routine in Austria. 11. International Symposium Intensivmedizin und Intensivpflege, February 2001, Bremen, Germany.
Original Titel:
Use of Hypertonic Hyperoncotic Solutions (HHS) in Clinical Routine in Austria.
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
International Symposium Intensivmedizin und Intensivpflege
Notiz zum Zitat:
Schimetta W., Schoechl H., Kroell W., Poelz W., Poelz G., Mauritz W.: Use of Hypertonic Hyperoncotic Solutions (HHS) in Clinical Routine in Austria. 11. International Symposium Intensivmedizin und Intensivpflege, February 2001, Bremen, Germany.