Bernhard Manhartsgruber, Alexander Kainz, Rudolf Scheidl,
"Computer Aided Design and Optimization of a Test Rig for Magneto-Rheological Fluid Behaviour"
, in J S Stecki: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computational Methods in Fluid Power Technology, Seite(n) 401-412, 11-2003, ISBN: 0-9578574-1-1
Original Titel:
Computer Aided Design and Optimization of a Test Rig for Magneto-Rheological Fluid Behaviour
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computational Methods in Fluid Power Technology
Original Kurzfassung:
Magneto-rheological (MR) fluids are liquids whose
rheological properties can be controlled by the
application of an external magnetic field. Commercial
applications of MR fluids can be found in vibration
dampers and brakes. The MR fluid offers three modes of
operation. Only two of them are frequently used in
applications: Either the direct shear mode, where the
relative motion of two magnetic poles separated by the
fluid generates shear forces, or the valve mode, where
the magnetorheologial effect is used to restrict the
flow through passages and the resulting pressure
difference is used for hydrostatic force generation.
Because of its non-linear behaviour, the third mode of
operation, the so called squeeze mode is up to now used
for small amplitude vibration damping only. A better
insight into the behaviour of MR fluids in the squeeze
mode is expected to give rise to new applications. The
present paper describes the design of a test rig for
the exploration of the fluid behaviour in the squeeze
mode. While the basic task of squeezing the MR fluid
out of a narrowing gap can easily be accomplished, the
measurement of hydrostatic pressure and shear stress at
the boundary of the MR fluid film is very demanding.
Finite element analysis is used for the design and
optimization of both the mechanical and
electromagnetical properties of the shear stress sensor.