Manuel Kauers,
"Solving Difference Equations whose Coefficients are not Transcendental"
, Serie SFB F013 Reports, Nummer 2005-20, SFB, Johannes Kepler University, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz, 12-2005
Original Titel:
Solving Difference Equations whose Coefficients are not Transcendental
Sprache des Titels:
Original Kurzfassung:
We consider a large class of sequences, called admissible sequences, which are defined by systems of (possibly nonlinear) difference equations. A procedure for recursively enumerating the algebraic dependencies of such sequences is presented. Also a procedure for solving linear difference equations with admissible sequences as coefficients is proposed. The methods are illustrated on some problems arising in the literature on special functions and combinatorial sequences.
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
Johannes Kepler University, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz