Stefan Fuchshumer, Kurt Schlacher, Thomas Rittenschober,
"Nonlinear Vehicle Dynamics Control - a Flatness Based Approach"
: CD Proceedings 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and the European Control Conference, CDC-ECC 2005, Seite(n) 6492-6497, 2005, ISBN: 0-7803-9568-9
Original Titel:
Nonlinear Vehicle Dynamics Control - a Flatness Based Approach
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
CD Proceedings 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and the European Control Conference, CDC-ECC 2005
Original Kurzfassung:
The central issue of this contribution is the discussion of the differential flatness of the planar holonomic bicycle model. The components of a flat output are fiven as the lateral and the longitudinal velocity component of a distinguished point located on the longitudinal axis of the vehicle. This property is shown for the front-, rear- and all-wheel driven vehicle, without referring to particular representatives of the functions modelling the lateral tire forces. The clear physical meaning of the flat output is regarded as particularly useful for the control design task. The vehicle dynamics control design is accomplished following the flatness based control theory.
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
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Notiz zur Publikation:
Fuchshumer S., Schlacher K., Rittenschober T.: Nonlinear Vehicle Dynamics Control - a Flatness Based Approach In: CD Proceedings 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and the European Control Conference, CDC-ECC 2005, December 12-15 2005, Sevilla, Spanien, ISBN: 0-7803-9568-9, pp. 6492-6497, 2005.