Daniel Schleicher, Klaus Oppermann, Bernhard Zagar,
"Simulink Target for Real Time Linux Extension: Remote Control via Command Line and Web Interface"
: Proceedings 9th RTWS 2-4.Nov. 2007, 2007
Original Titel:
Simulink Target for Real Time Linux Extension: Remote Control via Command Line and Web Interface
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Proceedings 9th RTWS 2-4.Nov. 2007
Original Kurzfassung:
A commonly used hardware in{the{loop environment is the dSPACE1 system, whose strength is aimed
at high °exibility and processing speed, but involves rather costly hardware and software licence fees. In
our proposed paper we elaborate a scaleable hardware platform running a low{cost RTLinux open source
system of comparable processing speed.
There is a great variety of applications that need such rapid control prototyping systems. Especially
developers of electromechanical plants are using rapid control prototyping systems to tune less known
system parameters and controller settings. These needs are well covered by the software environment
MATLAB/Simulink and the "Simulink Target for Real{Time Linux" (STRTL toolbox). STRTL was
developed within the Ph.D. thesis of R. M. Garcia [1] on which our system is based upon.
Because of a bug in the parameter exchange function of STRTL and the desire to control our Simulink
model via a website, we created an extension called strtl procctrl. This extension is a special driver that en-
ables the user to exchange the MATLAB/Simulink model parameters via the linux build in proc{¯lesystem
between the model and a website. Using this method it is quite easy to create a MATLAB/Simulink inde-
pendent user interface. This interface can either be a command line application or a website that accesses
the driver generated proc{¯le.