Thomas Stallinger, Wolfgang Gruber, Wolfgang Amrhein,
"Bearingless Segment Motor"
, in TU Vienna: Junior Scientist Conference 2008, 16. - 18.11.2008, Seite(n) 13-16, 11-2008, ISBN: 978-3-200-01612-5
Bearingless motors combine contact-less levitation and rotation in a preferably compact system design, because bearing as well as motor windings are located on the same lamination stack. The bearingless segment motor features concen-trated coils on separated stator elements, which reduce the stator iron, weight and cost, especially for constructions with large diameters. In this paper a bearingless segment motor with buried permanent magnets is investigated. The mathematical model is presented and a proper control scheme is introduced. Finally, the performance of the bearingless segment motor with buried permanent magnets is proven by the comparison of simulation results with measure-ment data of the manufactured prototype.