Characterization of mechanical and thermal properties of thin Cu-foils and wires
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Proc. E-MRS 2001 Meeting
Original Kurzfassung:
There is an increasing necessity to record the deformation characteristics of microelements often consisting of freestanding foils and wires
due to their increasing demand in engineering applications, where they are being used in the automotive industry, micromachines, special
sensors, etc. The data required are either mechanical or thermal such as Young?s moduli, stress?strain values, fatigue and thermal strain data.
Due to the size effect these data cannot be taken from macrospecimens, thus special testing procedures were introduced. For the mechanical
properties tensile tests were used for the freestanding foils and wires. Laseroptical sensors based on the speckle correlation method were
applied to determine non-contacting strain values with high strain resolution. Equipped with a special air furnace mechanical data could be
obtained up to 300 8C. For thermal strain measurements a laser speckle based dilatometer (LSBD) was designed. The following materials data
are presented and discussed: Thermal expansion data, mechanical and fatigue properties of Cu foils (electrodeposited (ED), rolled and
annealed) and wires with varying thickness. A pronounced thickness effect was detected. The applicability and limitations of the testing
equipment used are discussed.