Rudolf Scheidl, Kurt Schlacher,
"Tensor Analysis Based Symbolic Computation for Mechatronic Systems"
: 2nd Mathmod Vienna, Contributed Paper, Seite(n) 111 - 116, 1997, ISBN: 3-901608-11-7
Original Titel:
Tensor Analysis Based Symbolic Computation for Mechatronic Systems
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
2nd Mathmod Vienna, Contributed Paper
Original Kurzfassung:
This contribution presents methods for the mathematical modeling of mechatronic systems based on tensor analysis in combination with graph theory. Tensor analysis is an effective and universal tool for the common description of electrical and mechanical systems in a geometric way. Efficient algorithms for time-dependent Lagrangian systems with nonholonomic constraints are developed as well as an extension of the theorem of Brayton-Moser to general n-port networks. Therefore the combination of electrical and mechanical systems is achieved in a straightforward way. The so obtained methods for setting up the mathematical models are optimized for treatment by computer algebra as well as for numerical simulation.