Markus Schöberl, Kurt Schlacher,
"On Parametrizations for a Special Class of Nonlinear Systems"
: CD Proceedings IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, NOLCOS 2010, Seite(n) 1261-1266, 2010
Original Titel:
On Parametrizations for a Special Class of Nonlinear Systems
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
CD Proceedings IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, NOLCOS 2010
Original Kurzfassung:
We analyze a constructive procedure to find a system parametrization for a special class of nonlinear control systems. The key feature of the algorithm
will be the derivation of coordinate transformations that guarantee that several variables turn out to be not differentiated and
can therefore be eliminated. In this context the class of affine derivative systems (AD-systems) will play a prominent role.
Elimination of variables in general leads to implicit systems which might not be in affine derivative form.
Therefore it is of interest to analyze if elimination is also possible such that the AD-structure is preserved. The suggested ideas will be demonstrated on
several examples of nonlinear control systems with three states and two inputs.