Kai-Uwe Schröder, Christian Mittelstedt,
"Postbuckling of Compressively Loaded Imperfect Composite Plates: Closed-Form Approximate Solutions"
, in International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol. 10, Nummer 4, World Scientic Publishing Company, Seite(n) 761-778, 2010, ISSN: 1793-6764
Original Titel:
Postbuckling of Compressively Loaded Imperfect Composite Plates: Closed-Form Approximate Solutions
Sprache des Titels:
Original Kurzfassung:
In this paper, closed-form approximate solutions for the geometrically nonlinear behaviour of
rectangular laminated plates with °exural orthotropy under longitudinal compression are
presented. Based on the governing Marguerre-type di®erential equations postulated for
imperfect plates, two plate con¯gurations are discussed in detail, representing important
application cases in practical engineering work. The ¯rst con¯guration is a laminated plate that
is simply supported at all four edges (the so-called SSSS plate), while for the second con¯guration
clamped unloaded longitudinal edges are considered (denoted as the SSCC plate). For
both plate con¯gurations, rather simple closed-form approximations in the form of trigonometric
shape functions are employed for the description of the out-of-plane postbuckling plate
de°ections. Based on the chosen shape functions, the compatibility condition with respect to the
in-plane strains is ful¯lled exactly, while the out-of-plane equilibrium condition for a de°ected
plate element is not, but is solved using a Galerkin-type formulation instead. Eventually, very
simple closed-form solutions for all postbuckling state variables (de°ections, in-plane edge
displacements, and e®ective widths) are derived that can be used very conveniently in engineering
practice. The high accuracy of the presented analysis methods is established by comparison
with the results of other authors.
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics