Deepak Dhungana, Paul Grünbacher, Rick Rabiser,
"The DOPLER Meta-Tool for Decision-Oriented Variability Modeling: A Multiple Case Study"
, in Automated Software Engineering, Vol. 18, Nummer 1, SpringerLink, Seite(n) 77-114, 2011
Original Titel:
The DOPLER Meta-Tool for Decision-Oriented Variability Modeling: A Multiple Case Study
Sprache des Titels:
Original Kurzfassung:
The variability of a product line is typically defined in models. However,
many existing variability modeling approaches are rigid and don?t allow sufficient
domain-specific adaptations. We have thus been developing a flexible and extensible
approach for defining product line variability models. Its main purposes are to guide
stakeholders through product derivation and to automatically generate product configurations.
Our approach is supported by the DOPLER (Decision-Oriented Product
Line Engineering for effective Reuse) meta-tool that allows modelers to specify the
types of reusable assets, their attributes, and dependencies for their specific system
and context. The aim of this paper is to investigate the suitability of our approach for
different domains. More specifically, we explored two research questions regarding
the implementation of variability and the utility of DOPLER for variability modeling
in different domains. We conducted a multiple case study consisting of four cases in
the domains of industrial automation systems and business software. In each of these
case studies we analyzed variability implementation techniques. Experts from our
industry partners then developed domain-specific meta-models, tool extensions, and
variability models for their product lines using DOPLER. The four cases demonstrate
the flexibility of the DOPLER approach and the extensibility and adaptability of the
supporting meta tool.