Alois Ferscha, Kashif Zia, Benedikt Gollan,
"Collective Attention through Public Displays"
: Proceeding of SASO 2012: Sixth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Lyon, France; 10-14 September 2012, 9-2012
Original Titel:
Collective Attention through Public Displays
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Proceeding of SASO 2012: Sixth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Lyon, France; 10-14 September 2012
Original Kurzfassung:
The dynamics of collective attention emerging out
of individual
viewing experiences from public displays appear to
be among the
most demanding challenges in understanding the
mechanisms of
self-adaptation of public opinion. In this paper we
approach a
model of collective attention from observations of the
of individuals estimated from their efforts expressing
Extending on SEEV, an established individual attention
from cognitive science, attention estimates from
bypassers infront of public displays are used to
a collective attention model at the scale of society.
The model is
validated via a large scale simulation experiment
reflecting the
demographics and the morphology of a whole city,
together with
population densities, mobility patterns and
individual decision
making on a 2048 node shared memory
multiprocessor (SGI
Altix Ultra Violet 1000, Repast HPC).
Simulations how collective
attention emerges from local spots of
attention towards city scale
opinion building and consensus