Maarten Grachten, Gerhard Widmer,
"Linear Basis Models For Prediction And Analysis of Musical Expression"
, in Journal of New Music Research, Vol. 41, Nummer 4, Seite(n) pp 311-322, 2012, ISSN: 0929-8215
Original Titel:
Linear Basis Models For Prediction And Analysis of Musical Expression
Sprache des Titels:
Original Kurzfassung:
The quest for understanding how pianists interpret notated music to
turn it into a lively musical experience, has led to numerous models of mu-
sical expression. Several models exist that explain expressive variations
over the course of a performance, for example in terms of phrase structure,
or musical accent. Often however expressive markings are written explic-
itly in the score to guide performers. We present a modelling framework
for musical expression that is especially suited to model the in
uence of
such markings, along with any other information from the musical score.
In two separate experiments, we demonstrate the modelling framework for
both predictive and explanatory modelling. Together with the results of
these experiments, we discuss our perspective on computational modelling
of musical expression in relation to musical creativity.