Stefan Puttinger, Stefan Pirker, Hugo Stocker, Elmar Schuster,
"Experiments and simulations of alternative lance tips for pulverised coal injection (PCI)"
: Proceedings of the 5th International Steelsim Conference, Ostrava, 2013, 9-2013
Original Titel:
Experiments and simulations of alternative lance tips for pulverised coal injection (PCI)
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Proceedings of the 5th International Steelsim Conference, Ostrava, 2013
Original Kurzfassung:
Pulverised coal is used as a fuel substitute to reduce the amount of coke necessary in iron making. The pulverised coal is injected through lances in the tuyere sections. A proper dispersion of these highly laden particle jets is crucial for efficient combustion. This study investigates particle dispersion for various lance tips. In a first step they were tested in cold lab-scale pneumatic test facility and numerical simulations using Lattice-Boltzmann based large eddy simulations. In a second step an alternative lance design was tested on a real blast furnace and observed via a high-speed camera.