K. Aistleitner, Andreas Kugi, Bernhard Manhartsgruber,
"On-Line Identification of Deformation Resistance and Mill Stretch Coefficient for Cold Rolling Mills"
: Proceedings Metal 98, Ostrava, Seite(n) 109-116, 5-1998, ISBN: 80-8612214-X
Original Titel:
On-Line Identification of Deformation Resistance and Mill Stretch Coefficient for Cold Rolling Mills
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Proceedings Metal 98, Ostrava
Original Kurzfassung:
The increasing requirements of thickness tolerances of cold rolled products demand the use of advanced algorithms for on-line identifictain of process - parameters and automatic adaption of controller parameters at the controller level. This paper should point out a solution how to identify the deformation resistance and the mill stretch coefficient during the rolling process, which define the gain factor of the control loops for the thickness control. The solution presented is not only based on theoretical investigations, but als measured data sets of a cold tandem mill are used to verify the algorithms and show the feasibility of the proposed design. The developed algorithm is part of pre-investigations for advanced thickness control systems of VAI's automation products for cold rolling mills.
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
Anzahl der Seiten:
Notiz zur Publikation:
Aistleitner K., Kugi A., Manhartsgruber B.: On-line Identification of Deformation Resistance and Mill Stretch Coefficient for Cold Rolling Mills, In: Metal 98, May 12-14 1998, Ostrava, TCH, ISBN: 80-8612214-X, pp. 109-116, 1998.