Reinhold Priewasser, Michaela Kloiber,
"Managing Cross-Industry Innovations ? A Search Strategy for Radical Eco-Innovations"
, in Susana Garrido Azevedo, Marcus Brandenburg, Helena Carvalho, Virgilio Cruz-Machado: Eco-Innovation and the Development of Business Models. Greening of Industry Network Studies, Vol 2, Serie Eco-Innovation and the Development of Business Models. Greening of Industry Network Studies, Vol. 2, Springer, Seite(n) 19-38, 2014
Original Titel:
Managing Cross-Industry Innovations ? A Search Strategy for Radical Eco-Innovations
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Eco-Innovation and the Development of Business Models. Greening of Industry Network Studies, Vol 2
Original Kurzfassung:
Beside the common open innovation strategy of companies Cross-Índustry Innovations as a cooperation with partners from distant industries can lead to lower development time, lower project risks and higher growth rates and margins owing to the discovery of radical innovations. The task of this publication was firstly, to analyse why the cross-industry innovation framework can have significant influence on the creation of radical eco-innovations; and secondly, to present a step-by-step process which should help companies - and especially innovation managers - to systematically implement eco-innovations across industries in the fuzzy front-end of the innovation process.
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
Eco-Innovation and the Development of Business Models. Greening of Industry Network Studies