Over the last few years, much progress has been made in the theory and practice of solving quantified Boolean formulas (QBF). Novel solvers have been presented that either successfully enhance established techniques or implement novel solving paradigms. Powerful preprocessors have been realized that tune the encoding of a formula to make it easier to solve. Frameworks for certification and solution extraction emerged that allow for a detailed interpretation of a QBF solver's results, and new types of QBF encodings were presented for various application problems.
To capture these developments the QBF Gallery was established in 2013. The QBF Gallery aims at providing a forum to assess QBF tools and to collect new, expressive benchmarks that allow for documenting the status quo and that indicate promising research directions. The collected benchmarks became the basis for the experiments conducted in the context of the QBF Gallery 2013 and QBF Gallery 2014. In the latter, QBF solvers were evaluated in a competitive setting as part of the FLoC Olympic Games. In contrast to 2014, the edition of the QBF Gallery in 2013 was not competitive and hence no prizes were awarded.
In this paper, we report on the setup of the QBF Gallery. To this end, we conducted numerous experiments which allowed us not only to assess the quality of the tools, but also the quality of the benchmarks.