Andreas Beham, Michael Affenzeller, Erik Pitzer,
"Metaheuristic Algorithms for the Quadratic Assignment Problem: Performance and Comparison"
, in R. Klempous, J. Nikodem: Innovative Technologies in Management and Science, Serie Topics in Intelligent Engineering and Informatics, Vol. 10, Springer, Springer, Seite(n) 171-190, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-319-12652-4
Original Titel:
Metaheuristic Algorithms for the Quadratic Assignment Problem: Performance and Comparison
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Innovative Technologies in Management and Science
Original Kurzfassung:
The quadratic assignment problem is among the harder combinatorial op-
timization problems in that even small instances might be dif?cult to solve and for
different algorithms different instances pose challenges to solve. Research on the
quadratic assignment problem has thus focused on developing methods that defy
the problem?s variety and that can solve a vast number of instances effectively. The
topic of this work is to compare the performance of well-known ?standard? meta-
heuristics with specialized and adapted metaheuristics and analyze their behavior.
Empirical validation of the results is performed on a highly diverse set of instances
that are collected and published in form of the quadratic assignment problem library.
The data in these instances come from real-world applications on the one hand and
from randomly generated sources on the other hand.