Josef Passenbrunner, Gerald Jungmayr, Wolfgang Amrhein,
"Simulation and Optimization of the Starting Behavior of an Active Axial Bearing with Viscoelastic Damping Support"
: IEMDC 2017, IEEE International Electric Machines \& Drives Conference, Miami, Florida, USA, 5-2017
Original Titel:
Simulation and Optimization of the Starting Behavior of an Active Axial Bearing with Viscoelastic Damping Support
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
IEMDC 2017, IEEE International Electric Machines \& Drives Conference, Miami, Florida, USA
Original Kurzfassung:
In magnetically levitated systems often at least one degree of freedom is stabilized actively. Due to the high force per current ratio, active magnetic bearings (AMB) based on reluctance forces are favorable. However, eddy currents in the ferromagnetic material have a strong effect on the field distribution and therefore influences the system dynamics. Moreover, if passive permanent magnetic bearings (PMB) are used to stabilize the remaining degrees of freedom viscoelastic damping supports can be used to dampen the resonance effects. Accordingly, the dynamic properties of teh damping material has to be considered for the dynamic modeling of the AMB. One of the most dynamic processes is the starting procedure. This paper discusses the simulation of the starting behavior of a magnetically levitated system with viscoelastic support. In order to achieve an optimal starting performance, a genetic optimization of teh controller and the actuator parameters is performed. Finally, the simulation result is verified by measurement.