Andreas Rauchenecker, Timm Ostermann, Robert Wille,
"Exploiting Reversible Logic Design for Implementing Adiabatic Circuits"
: Proceedings 17 th International Conference MIXED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS , Poland, Seite(n) 264-270, 6-2017
Original Titel:
Exploiting Reversible Logic Design for Implementing Adiabatic Circuits
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Proceedings 17 th International Conference MIXED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS , Poland
Original Kurzfassung:
Today, energy saving is a major design target,
since the number of mobile- or power-independent devices is
increasing. These devices should operate as long as possible
with one battery charge. Especially for designs where speed
is of secondary importance, adiabatic circuits are a promising
alternative. These kind of circuits are rather slow but extremely
energy ef?cient. However, the full potential of adiabatic circuits
can only be fully exploited if computations are conducted in a
reversible fashion. This is not the case for conventional circuits
which are usually composed of non-reversible gates such as
AND, OR, etc. At the same time, design methods for so-called
reversible circuits received signi?cant interest ? mainly motivated
by emerging technologies such as quantum computation or
encoder design. In this work, we exploit the accomplishments of
these complementary areas and, realize fully reversible adiabatic
circuits. Experimental evaluations show that this yields circuits
which have a substantially smaller power consumption than
conventional circuit technologies.