Michaela Murauer, Florian Jungwirth, Michael Haslgrübler-Huemer, Alois Ferscha,
"Gaze-based Action Zones: A universal interaction modality for IoT devices"
, in To appear: Workshop on Handling the Internet of Things: Human-Computer Interaction Perspectives on IoT (in conjunction with IoT '17), 2017
Original Titel:
Gaze-based Action Zones: A universal interaction modality for IoT devices
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Workshop on Handling the Internet of Things: Human-Computer Interaction Perspectives on IoT (in conjunction with IoT '17)
Original Kurzfassung:
In order to employ gaze interaction with real-world appliances, techniques to trigger actions and manipulate object states are
required. In this work we adapt two previously introduced ideas
of one-stroke gaze gestures to gain a universal interaction
modality usable for distributed IoT de- vices. We therefore
investigate two different types of action zones, that are located
(i) at the borders of an object or (ii) at the borders of the
users? field-of-view. Once an object is selected by using dwell
time selection, action zones are activated and object state
manipulation can be performed by gazing into such an area. A
pilot user study was executed to compare the two different
placements of action zones and while it highlights that both
types lead to highly accurate and promising results, in specific
settings one type may be preferable to the other.