Christian Stary, Georg Weichhart,
"Project-based learning for complex adaptive enterprise systems"
: IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 50, Elsevier, Seite(n) 12991-12996, 7-2017
Original Titel:
Project-based learning for complex adaptive enterprise systems
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Original Kurzfassung:
To maintain adaptive enterprise systems a tight integration of sub-systems is not an option because this implies a rigid structure. Loose interoperability of sub-systems is required to (a) maintain independence and adaptability while (b) being able to effectively and efficiently work jointly to achieve a common goal. Some recent developments in Enterprise Interoperability are not only building on a System Theory approach but rather on a Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) approach. By doing so, learning and continuous improvement are assumed to be important change processes. Project-based learning is addressing organisational systems as well as technical systems, and meets the requirements of CASs. We use this general approach to address issues with respect to interoperability in and between IT development and research projects. The introduced project-based learning framework allows supporting adaptation of systems in an enterprise system while maintaining interoperability.