David Schedl, Oliver Bimber,
"Optimized Sampling for View Interpolation in Light Fields with Overlapping Patches"
, in The Eurographics Association: Proceedings Eurographics 2018, 4-2018
Original Titel:
Optimized Sampling for View Interpolation in Light Fields with Overlapping Patches
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Proceedings Eurographics 2018
Original Kurzfassung:
Optimized sampling masks that reduce the complexity of camera arrays while preserving the quality of light fields captured at high directional sampling resolution are presented. We propose a new quality metric that is based on sampling-theoretic considerations, a new mask estimation approach that reduces the search space by applying regularity and symmetry constraints, and an enhanced upsampling technique using compressed sensing that supports maximal patch overlap. Our approach out-beats state-of-the-art view-interpolation techniques for light fields and does not rely on depth reconstruction.