Josef Passenbrunner, Gerald Jungmayr, Wolfgang Amrhein,
"Design and Analysis of a 1D Actively Stabilized System with Viscoelastic Damping Support"
, in Actuators, Vol. 8, Nummer 2, Seite(n) 33, 4-2019, ISSN: 2076-0825
Original Titel:
Design and Analysis of a 1D Actively Stabilized System with Viscoelastic Damping Support
Sprache des Titels:
Original Kurzfassung:
Passively magnetically stabilized degrees of freedom yield the bene?t of reduced complexity and therefore costs. However, the application of passive magnetic bearings (PMBs) also features some drawbacks. The poor damping capability leads to exaggerated de?ection amplitudes when passing the resonance speeds of the applied system. This results in the necessity of external damping. Complying with the goal of costs and complexity, viscoelastic materials offer a suitable solution. However, these materials show high frequency and temperature dependent properties which induce the necessity of a proper model. Thus, the design of systems, as presented in this paper, requires accurate modeling of the dynamic behavior including the nonlinear characteristic of damping elements to predict the system displacements. In the investigated setup only two degrees of freedom remain to be controlled actively. These are the axial rotation and the axial position of the rotor which are controlled by the motor and an active magnetic axial bearing (AMB). This article focuses on the rotor dynamic modeling of a radial passively magnetically stabilized system especially considering the nonlinear behavior of viscoelastic damping elements. Finally, the results from the analytic model are veri?ed by measurements on a manufactures test system.