The 11th International Model-Driven Requirements Engineering (MoDRE) workshop continues to provide a forum to discuss the challenges of Model-Driven Development (MDD) for Requirements Engineering (RE). Building on the interest of MDD for design and implementation, RE may benefit from MDD techniques when properly balancing flexibility for capturing varied user needs with formal rigidity required for model transformations as well as high-level abstraction with information richness. MoDRE seeks to explore those areas of RE that have not yet been formalized sufficiently to be incorporated into an MDD environment as well as how RE models can benefit from emerging topics in the model-driven community, such as flexible, collaborative, and AI-enabled modeling. We would like to explore how MoDRE can help consider human values and ethics, how MoDRE can be integrated with DevOps and iterative development, and how MoDRE can contribute to develop AI applications. We look forward to identifying new challenges for MoDRE, discussing on-going work and potential solutions, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of MDD approaches for RE, fostering stimulating discussions on the topic, and providing opportunities to apply MDD approaches for RE.