Dr. rer. nat. Dr. phil. Jens Kirchner and Max Bartunik, M.Sc., Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen Nuremberg, Germany -- Molecular Communication denotes the transmission of information by use of molecules or nanoscaleparticles as information carriers. Particularly in the initial time, a strong focus of research was put on theoretical channel modeling and simulation-based approaches. Only in recent years, experimental testbeds have been introduced, which allow the validation of theoretical models and the investigation of application scenarios.The talk will give a short introduction to molecular communication and an overview over experimental approaches so far. It will then focus on two particular testbeds: The first one is based on magnetic nanoparticles and was developed at the LTE together with the University Hospital Erlangen. It is characterized by biocompatibility, high data rate compared to other testbeds and the possibility to steer the particles by use of magnetic fields. The second testbed was developed in collaboration with JKU Linz and is based on droplets in a microfluidic setup with an optical detection scheme. Due to its small dimensions, this testbed promises usability in Lab-on-Chip applications. The talk will highlight the development of thetransmitter as well as of sensors for the receiver for both experimental setups.