The Climate and Energy Fund - in close coordination with the Ministry of Climate Protection, and under the framework of the Austrian Climate Research Program (ACRP) - has invited the Austrian climate science community to prepare an update of the Austrian Assessment Report (AAR14) published in 2014.
Following the structure of the IPCC reports, this new report aims to summarize the current state of knowledge on climate change in Austria and to identifyopportunities for policy action. In contrast to the AAR14, the new report is to be interdisciplinary in structure and also incorporate the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
I am Contributing Author (CA) for chapter 8 ?Transformation pathways?, with colleagues Gustav Resch, Nathalie Spittler and Simon Grabow as Coordinating Lead Authors (CLAs) for this chapter. CAs support the Lead Authors (LAs) and the CLAs by providing specific knowledge or expertise in a given area and help ensure that the full range of views held in the scientific community is reflectedin the report.