COOPIS - Int. Conf. on Cooperative Information Systems
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In recent years, several innovative technologies have emerged: Cloud Computing, Service Oriented Computing, Internet of Things, Linked Open Data, mash-ups, Semantic Systems, Collective Awareness Platforms, Processes as a Service, etc. New technologies have created the need for new forms of diffused social computing, an even tighter integration of data and knowledge with large-scale collaboration platforms, by crowdsourcing and community-centric cooperation. The notion of business processes and workflows has evolved from prescriptive approaches to agile, adaptive and goal-driven solutions. Emerging collaboration platforms are introducing flexibility, transparency, dynamic re-planning as key features, supported by new ways of monitoring and managing KPIs, analyzing environmental information, e.g., adopting complex event processing techniques. Building next generation CIS requires technical breakthroughs in terms of dynamic, reliable and secure collaborative information technologies to overcome the tough challenges that traditional approaches fail to face. Several challenges are put in front of us, from the revival of the socio-economic system to reforms of citizens? engagement in the public institutions, from participatory Open Innovation in modern enterprises to social cohesion and democratic models in a renovated public administration. All such challenges require a deep rethinking of CIS that represent their fundamental technological support in addressing specific application domains, such as e-Business, e-Commerce, e-Government, e-Health, and e-Science.
The CoopIS conference series have established themselves as major international forums for exchanging ideas and results on scientific research and practical experiences in the fields mentioned above.