Collaborative Housing and the future European social model
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The co-ordinators of the ENHR working group ?Collaborative Housing? invite abstracts related but not limited to this year?s ENHR conference topic, with a particular focus on the links between collaborative housing forms and the future of the European social model, including:
? Welfare state retreat and meeting housing need: (How) can collaborative housing fill the gap? What are the tensions between the state?s role in securing adequate and affordable housing for the whole population, on the one hand, and the specific values and target groups of collaborative housing forms, on the other?
? Welfare state retreat and collaborative housing rise: (How) do the decline in social housing and the impact of welfare state transformations play out in the rise of collaborative housing?
? Collaborative housing and social inclusion: What models and practices of collaborative housing are aimed at including vulnerable households? (How) are local and national legal and policy frameworks enabling or hindering the realisation of collaborative housing forms for wider sections of the population? What specific types of collaborative housing forms are emerging to house socially excluded groups?