125 to 181 GHz fundamental-wave VCO chips in SiGe technology
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IEEE Radio Freq. Integr. Circ. Symp
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Original Kurzfassung:
This paper presents four signal-generation chips
that comprise a fundamental-wave voltage-controlled oscillator
(VCO), an output buffer, and a divide-by-32 prescaler. The
VCOs with contiguous tuning ranges cover almost the full
waveguide band from 110 to 170GHz (D-band). The fastest
VCO operates at up to 181GHz in combination with the
prescaler. The VCOs run on 1.8V, draw ?35 mA, and achieve
a single-sideband phase noise ranging from ?92 to ?82 dBc/Hz
at 1MHz offset frequency. Power consumption of the high-speed
frequency divider in the first prescaler stage is 70mW. The
circuits are based on an Infineon SiGe technology, which features
HBTs with an fmax of 340 GHz.