The "New" Movements: "We won't pay for your crisis - we are your crisis"
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"Rights, Solidarity and Justice. Working People Organizing, Past and Present" LAWCHA (Labor and Working-Class History Association) National Conference, New York City
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2011 and 2012 have been two years of uprisings, movements and moments (we are not yet able to write a history of 2013) ? all against an economic crisis and the politics of representation. Kefya! Ya Basta! and Enough! are shouted by millions against an untenable situation ? and simultaneously they are met with Democracia Real Ya! and We are the 99%! - powerful affirmations.
In this panel we will set a focus on common forms and practices of the ?new? movements. In view of the fact that these movements have often diverse social compositions, we want to explore and interrogate whether and how their commons forms and practices are shaping a new collective journey for radical social change beyond capitalism, what processes of radical transformation are envisaged by their practices, what forms of commons they set in place that enable the reproduction of life on new ground, and how these alternative forms of sociability and production can become hegemonic and mainstream.
Dario Azzellini will talk about what the new protest movements in Italy, Spain, Greece and the US have in common, root concepts and practices to movements in Latin America and discuss characteristics of the rupture. Marina Sitrin and Luis Moreno-Caballud will speak about the new forms of social relationships developing in the movements. In particular Luis will discuss forms of collaboration developing within and across movements in Spain and Marina will address new forms of value production in Greece, from the experiences of the newly recuperated workplaces to the producer consumer networks to the expansion of barter.