An engineer's reminiscence to Hans Troger's work on nonlinear systems and bifurcation
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8th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC2014), July 6-11, 2014, Vienna, Austria
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Nonlinear oscillations and the diverse mathematical methods which facilitate their understanding and mastering have been the major area of Hans Troger?s scientific work. Starting with his doctoral thesis on the dynamics of a truck-semitrailer, where he encountered divergence and Hopf bifurcation instabilities of a nonlinear system and used already quite rigorous mathematical methods, he extended his work to a broad spectrum of mechanical problems and mathematical methods in the years after. Hans Troger was mostly interested in curious phenomena and their systematic and mathematical sound understanding. He sniffled for unexpected phenomena and steadily observed mathematical literature to find methods for their explanation. To this end he established close co-operation with people sharing his interests and with those who had helpful competencies, both, at Vienna University of Technology and internationally. Main fields of application were vehicle dynamics, flow induced vibrations, elastic stability problems in plates and shells, robotics, and tethered satellites. He took up several, in those days fairly new mathematical methods in nonlinear stability, chaos, and bifurcation, model reduction and singularity theory and demonstrated their use for the solution of mechanical problems. In this way he made these methods understandable by engineers and opened the way for their broader application in the engineering practice.
This lecture mainly pays tribute to the work and achievements of Hans Troger. But it will be also shown that several general problems encountered in nonlinear oscillations and the methods for their analysis have large commonality with problems in model based product design.
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