On the Damage Diagnosis Based on Structural Analysis Data
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Proceedings of European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring EWSHM 2014
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One of the major challenges of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is to handle the enormous amount of data during the monitoring action. This is due to the fact that common SHM approaches monitor the entire structure on all kind of damages in order to obtain
all eventualities of damage. The idea of this contribution is to use the information of the parts sizing in order to identify so called hot spots, i.e. possible damage locations and the corresponding kind of damage like cracks or delaminations. With this information a SmartSHM system is set up, which monitors only the hot spots on the most likely failure. To cover uncertainties and accidental damages an additional monitoring of a global parameter has to be set up. This approach is shown based on an example of a four point bending test with a rectangular cross-section.