Two dimensional multiscale PIV measurements within a three-phase bubble column with dual aeration plug system
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10th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing
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Measurements within bubble columns are interesting to understand the dynamic processes in such systems.
As the dispersed phase is often problematic for measurement systems the flow situations (especially with
high introduced gas rates) are still a challenging field. The industrial background for this work is the ladle stirring
during steel production. This paper presents the experimental setup for substituting such systems in a big scaled
lab experiment including an overlaying liquid phase (substituting the slag). The target of turbulence analysis and
global mixing investigation requires the observation of both, the complete setup cross section (at adequate time
and spatial resolution) and a local higher resolution area in time and space. In both cases the discrimination of the
involved phases needs to be performed to assure minimal spurious vectors in the PIV calculations. A procedure for
separating both observation areas as well as an algorithm for separating the tracer particles (visualising the liquid
phase) is presented. A concluding ensemble averaged velocity vector plot is illustrated to prove the applicability of
the complete method and give an impression of the flow field within the vessel.