Extended characterization of the hardening and failure behavior of advanced high strength steels at dynamic compression load
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ACEX-9th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting
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Original Kurzfassung:
To use the entire potential
of high performance materials the knowledge about the behavior of these materials, especially in the nonlinear
plastic range at crash conditions, is absolutely necessary. However, in order to lift the entire load potential of
high stress steels, latest material models are necessary. Therefore, the identification of specific material parameters
e.g. strain rate sensitivity at compression load, is indispensable. This leads to the development of a test rig to
extract even those needed specific material parameters. After defining boundary conditions for the test specimen
geometry a general concept study took place to identify an optimized test rig concept. Next to the geometrical
boundary conditions of the test specimen also conditions for the test procedure itself have been defined. One
main weakness of usual compression tests at high strain rate levels is the impact on the specimen surface (usual
caused by falling weights) it may cause deviations in the test results due to surface hardening. Furthermore, the
idea to keep the strain rate at the plastic strain range constant has to be implemented. These main tasks have
been solved by developing a hydro mechanic cam shaft test rig with special developed cam geometry. It allows
compression of the specimen at different continuously variable strain rate levels without impact on the specimen
at compression initiation and constant strain rate at every chosen strain rate level in the plastic range of the material.
After manufacturing and assembling the test rig, a compression tests was performed and compared to an
existing material model of the tested material with good concordance. These result showed that these concept of
the Hydro mechanical cam shaft test rig is a relative simple
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
Englischer Vortragstitel:
Extended characterization of the hardening and failure behavior of advanced high strength steels at dynamic compression load