Contributions on Operations Management in Stochastic Manufacturing Environments
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In this cumulative habilitation thesis for the subject business administration, a set of
contributions on operations management for manufacturing companies are presented
when internal and external processes are stochastic. The research conducted is divided
into two mayor fields. In research field 1, the specific managerial decisions to be taken
within the hierarchical production planning process as well as the interaction between
the hierarchical planning levels is investigated. The main contributions there show how
information about internal and external randomness, e.g. customer demand distribution,
can improve the planning decisions on different hierarchical levels and therefore company
profit. In research field 2, the economic influence of different order fulfilment policies
is evaluated when manufacturing processes as well as customer demand are stochastic.
Main contributions from this field provide decision support for anonymous preproduction
and critically review the effect of information sharing on production capacity
needed. These results can also be applied to improve the sales policies.
To derive these findings, on the one hand stochastic modelling of manufacturing
systems is used to provide rigid proofs of system behavior and on the other hand simulation
is applied to study more complex production system structures.
For the cumulative habilitation thesis, 7 peer-reviewed journal papers (rating A or B
according to VHB) and 5 contributions in peer-reviewed journal proceedings are combined.
In the field of other research with a broader scope, 4 peer-reviewed journal papers
(rating A or B) and 8 contributions in peer-reviewed journal proceedings are appended.