Asymmetric Migrations. Immigration history of Austria under special consideration of the Jewish immigration from Eastern Europe (20th, 21st centuries)
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Original Tagungtitel:
East European Jewish and Non-Jewish Migrants in Germany: Strategies of Migration and Adaptation
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Original Kurzfassung:
The paper gives an overview of the Austrian immigration history during the 20th and 21st centuries. It includes the periods oft he Habsburg Monarchy, interwar-Austria, National Socialism, postwar-Austria, Second Republik (Austria). Comparing the development in Austria to Germany one can observe that during the last decades it was very different to Germany. There is no status like ?Aussiedler? or ?Spätaussiedler? (late German resettlers) and Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union, coming after 1990, did not have the status of ?Kontingentflüchtlinge? (quota refugees). In Germany they were treated as quota refugees, more than 250,000 Jewish immigrants arrived. There never existed an official contract or agreement between the state or federal states concerning Jewish migration to Austria. The similarity, one can observe is that meanwhile in German and Austrian Jewish communities Jews originating from former Soviet Union play a increasing role concerning demography and influence.