Measurement of Rotational Iron Loss in Soft Magnetic Composites
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5. Tagung Innovation Messtechnik ? Innovative Metrology, Haus der Ingenieure, Wien
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Original Kurzfassung:
This article deals with the measurement of iron loss arising inside soft magnetic composites under rotational magnetization. Rotational magnetization is a common phenomena arising in parts of rotor and stator in electric machines. Based on previous findings, total iron losses under rotational magnetization are different from the sum of losses measured under alternating magnetization in two perpendicular directions. However, available data for iron loss under rotational magnetization especially for soft magnetic composites (SMC) is very limited. Thus, this article is about investigating iron loss under rotational magnetization featuring constant length rotating flux density vectors in soft magnetic composites. It covers the calculation of rotational iron loss from measured flux density and field strength, the introduction of the developed measurement setup, the control strategy and the obtained iron losses in comparison to losses measured under alternating flux density vectors.