Strain rate dependent yield behavior under compression load of metallic materials based on experimental data
Sprache des Vortragstitels:
Original Tagungtitel:
7th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design
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Original Kurzfassung:
A matter of interest in development of empiric constitutive material laws, especially in terms
of yielding, is the knowledge of the material behavior up to large deformation at different
strain rates. The compression test seems to be appropriate method for gaining data up to large
grades of deformation. However, the gained measurement data does not allow the exact
reading of material models for direct use in numerical analyses. Reasons for deviations are
influences such as friction which leads to boundary constraints and thus to a multiaxial stress
state at increasing deformation. This article proposes a method to compute the actual stress in
the dynamic compression test taking the friction into account. The method is based on finite
element analyses and experimental data. The experimental data are gained from dynamic
compression tests at different strain rate levels using mild steel.
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
Englischer Vortragstitel:
Strain rate dependent yield behaviour at compression load of metal materials based on experimental data