School 2, Sustainable Energetics for Africa (SE4A)
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Original Title: "The International Year of Global Understanding" by Benno Werlen, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany
Global thinking and global action demand global understanding. The IGU Initiative for an International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU), proclaimed by the international councils for the Natural, Social and Human Sciences, aims to bridge the gap in awareness and knowledge between local acts and global effects through research, education, and information.
The IYGU recognizes that global social and climate changes require a global level of understanding. It provides information on culturally differentiated sustainable actions to reach global sustainability. And most of all: it develops a blueprint for a new geographical view of a radically changing world.
Every day we all experience how globalization has brought and is bringing far-flung places and people into ever-closer contact. New kinds of supra-national communities are emerging at an accelerating pace. At the same time, these trends do not efface the local. Globalization is also associated with a marked re-affirmation of cities and regions as distinctive forums of human action. All human actions remain in one way or the other regionally and locally contextualized.
The IYGU addresses the ways in which we inhabit an increasingly globalized world. Everyday geography-making is essential for the constitution of geographical realities. Our world faces social, cultural, and economic change, as well as a changing climate. Human actions play a key role in creating such worldwide challenges. However, human actions also provide solutions. If individuals know what their day-to-day routines mean for the planet, they can take appropriate action to help overcome global challenges.
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