Control of Nonlinear Parametrically Excited Beam Vibrations
Sprache des Vortragstitels:
Original Tagungtitel:
15th Biennial Conference on Vibration and Noise Symposium on Time-Varying Systems and Structures, Design Engineering Technical Conferences
Sprache des Tagungstitel:
Original Kurzfassung:
A staight composite beam under the action of a harmonic axial support motion is considered. Piezoelectric layers are used to control the parametrically excited vibrations. A nonlinear initial-boundary-value problem for the deflection is derived, which is approximated by a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The controller design is based on the differential geometric approach by extending the method of input output linearization to the time variant case. Controllers with different zero dynamics are presented to show that the approximating system can be stabilized by a proper choice of the virtual output function.
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
Englischer Vortragstitel:
Control of Nonlinear Parametrically Excited Beam Vibrations
Englischer Tagungstitel:
15th Biennial Conference on Vibration and Noise Symposium on Time-Varying Systems and Structures, Design Engineering Technical Conferences
Englische Kurzfassung:
A staight composite beam under the action of a harmonic axial support motion is considered. Piezoelectric layers are used to control the parametrically excited vibrations. A nonlinear initial-boundary-value problem for the deflection is derived, which is approximated by a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The controller design is based on the differential geometric approach by extending the method of input output linearization to the time variant case. Controllers with different zero dynamics are presented to show that the approximating system can be stabilized by a proper choice of the virtual output function.