Nonlinear Temperature Control of Sheet Metal Specimen
Sprache des Vortragstitels:
Original Tagungtitel:
Workshop Automation 2001
Sprache des Tagungstitel:
Original Kurzfassung:
The present contribution is concerned with the application of the theory of affine input (AI) systems to a temperature control problem of the steel industry. In our case sheet metal specimen are heat treated following a predifined temperature profile in order to investigate certain material properties. Due to the nonlinear nature of the mathematical model of the temperature behavior the differential geometric approach based on exterior differential systems turns out to be an effective means for the controller design. Finally, measurement results show the feasibility and the excellent performance of the proposed controller.
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
Englischer Vortragstitel:
Nonlinear Temperature Control of Sheet Metal Specimen
Englischer Tagungstitel:
Workshop Automation 2001
Englische Kurzfassung:
The present contribution is concerned with the application of the theory of affine input (AI) systems to a temperature control problem of the steel industry. In our case sheet metal specimen are heat treated following a predifined temperature profile in order to investigate certain material properties. Due to the nonlinear nature of the mathematical model of the temperature behavior the differential geometric approach based on exterior differential systems turns out to be an effective means for the controller design. Finally, measurement results show the feasibility and the excellent performance of the proposed controller.