?I went to a match as soon as possible.? Soccer and male Identity
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IOHA (International Oral History Association) 2018 Conference, Memory & Narration
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The paper discusses the topic ?"identity? with case studies from the field of sports. We know that identification with a soccer team can be an interesting measure for identity. This does not only touch the field of positive identification and integration but as well the terms antagonism and hostility. Soccer/football is a good example for the power of identification as well as a tool concerning self-consciousness. During the interwar years soccer was by far the most important mass sports in Central Europe. And it was more ? for a specific group of people, it was a metaphor for ?Home? (German ?Heimat?) up to the level of having a sedative or tranquilizing effect against repression and perpetration. The presentation concentrates on four examples. Most interviews were conducted long time ago. Interviews with old football players and supporters, mostly emigrants who fled from Austria and Germany in the 1930 and 1940s and other victims of the Nazi regime were put into the foregound.